Everything old is news again, and email is hip in 2020! As such, I’m conducting a little experiment. A newsletter. You can subscribe, or not. You can read, or not.
It’s more about reconnecting old school. I have thoughts, and I don’t necessarily want to add them to the din of social media where I’ve amassed a group of “friends” over the years with whom I don’t necessarily connect. And yet, I still connect with people I knew before I was familiar with multiplication tables. Life is weird that way.
I can’t go to coffee shops or WordCamps or even hang out with friends because everyone is so locked down.
So, let’s try this old school. I might not be able to handwrite a letter, but I can send you an email.
You can read or signup on the newsletter page. And let’s consider this a two way conversation. I’d love replies to anything, whether you agree or disagree or have something to add, or just have a story to tell from your heart.
I miss you.